Strona głównaPelosiPaul Pelosi Hammer Attacker Gets 30 Years In Prison

Paul Pelosi Hammer Attacker Gets 30 Years In Prison

Paul Pelosi Hammer Attacker Gets 30 Years In Prison

The man who snuck into the house of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in October of 2022 and attacked her husband Paul with a hammer at 2 a.m. has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

David DePape, 42, was convicted of assault and attempted kidnapping of a federal official last November following a week-long trial in San Francisco. The attack left Pelosi, now 84, in the hospital for six days with a fractured skull and other injuries.

While Nancy Pelosi was out of town at the time of the attack, Paul Pelosi was able to call 911. When the arrived after DePape had been inside the house for roughly 30 minutes, Pelosi was holding some type of beverage when he answered the door – at which point DePape attacked him.

In November, NBC News correspondent Miguel Almaguer reported that „After a ‘knock and announce,’ the front door was opened by Mr. Pelosi. The 82-year-old did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home,” but instead „began walking several feet back into the foyer toward the assailant and away from police.”

A neighbor living across from the Pelosis who was awake when the assault took place didn’t hear an alarm or anything unusual

„No, not a thing, and you know we were awake at that hour in the morning; my husband was awake. We didn’t even hear sirens,” neighbor Sally McNulty told The Epoch Times.

McNulty, who has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, said everything was quiet around the time of the 2 a.m. attack on Oct. 28.

This is one of the quietest streets in the city,” she said. “You can hear a pin drop at night.”

McNulty said she doesn’t recall ever hearing the Pelosis’ alarm go off in the past, though she has occasionally heard others in the neighborhood.

She said that Paul Pelosi had no enemies she knew of and was well-liked.

Other neighbors declined to comment.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 05/17/2024 – 17:20


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