Strona głównaRadicalRadical Left Group Demands Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge To Be Renamed...

Radical Left Group Demands Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge To Be Renamed Over Racism Claims 

Radical Left Group Demands Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge To Be Renamed Over Racism Claims 

Far-left group Caucus of African American Leaders of Anne Arundel County (CAAL), which has been on a multi-year rampage across Maryland, removing controversial statues (read: here) and pushing reparations resolutions (read: here) in Annapolis, has called on state officials to rename the recently collapsed 1.6-mile Port of Baltimore bridge because the current name „Francis Scott Key Bridge” is racist. 

The new bridge hasn’t even been built yet and might not even get built for years. Still, CAAL is already arguing that Francis Scott Key, the man behind the lyrics to 'The Star-Spangled Banner,’ „demeaned black people” with the song’s lyrics and that he enslaved people, according to local newspaper The Baltimore Banner

CAAL called on progressive Gov. Wes Moore and the Maryland General Assembly to rename the bridge after late Rep. Parren J. Mitchell. She was the first African American from Maryland elected to the US House of Representatives. 

On Monday, reporters asked Gov. Moore about the potential name change of the Key Bridge. He said that’s not even a topic yet, as salvage crews are still trying to reopen the commercial shipping channel. 

„I think any other conversations along those lines, there will be time for that but now’s not the time,” he told reporters.

In a lengthy Facebook rant, CAAL claimed that „taxpayer’s dollars were being used to honor racism” and noted that it expected „backlash whenever there is an effort to bring about change in America.” They said that backlash „will see an immediate response from right-wingers.” 

CAAL’s website says it „fights for the human rights of African-Americans and to create a just society” and is „driven by progressive ideas and bold actions.” However, where are those bold actions while Baltimore City implodes into crime chaos? The leftist organization has been around since 2011, and since then, those bold actions to help blacks has yet to materialize in Baltimore. 

Some questions we have: 

Why isn’t CAAL taking bold actions to address rampant black-on-black gang crime in the metro area or address the education scandal in Baltimore City Public Schools that robs black children of their future? What about soaring violent crime, unleashed by failed social justice reforms, has transformed part of the metro area into a warzone? What about defunding the police measures that have collapsed the police force? Or tens of thousands of vacant row homes and a collapsed inner city economy that provides limited opportunity to young black males (some of whom have chosen a life of crime instead). 

Perhaps the challenges facing Baltimore are to big for the leftist group to tackle. It appears, instead, they focus their agenda on rewriting history… 

„Why do you always trying to make our history racist ? Good or bad , our history is what made us a great nation. Changing names of bridges, schools, removing statues,etc just promote racism,” one Facebook user wrote on CAAL’s post. 

The American Historical Association explains why Americans should know their history:

„Laymen and educators are generally agreed that knowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. To a people it is what memory is to the individual; and memory, express or unconscious, guides the acts of every sentient being.” 

Marylanders should demand that CAAL do more in Baltimore City before tearing down any more statues, pushing reparation bills, or trying to rename non-existent bridges.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 04/10/2024 – 20:00


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