niedziela, 8 września, 2024
Strona głównaClaimsContinuing Jobless Claims Keep Rising, California Initial Claims Crash

Continuing Jobless Claims Keep Rising, California Initial Claims Crash

Continuing Jobless Claims Keep Rising, California Initial Claims Crash

After the prior week’s surge to 10-month highs (on the back of California claims suddenly soaring after Newsom introduced his brilliant $20 min wage fast food gambit), analysts expected a small dip in claims last week… and they were right with initial claims falling from 243k (revised up) to 238k (worse than the 235k exp)…

Source: Bloomberg

Remember the prior week’s surge in claims was driven by California…

…well guess which state saw claims plunge last week…

Source: Bloomberg

Continuing claims rose once again, holding above the $1.8mm Maginot Line and back near the highest since Nov 2021. The trend (4wk ma) in initial claims is clear though…

Source: Bloomberg

Is this data just bad enough to help with The Fed’s case for Biden-enabling rate-cuts?

Tyler Durden
Thu, 06/20/2024 – 08:51



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