piątek, 20 września, 2024
Strona głównaAbdullahKing Abdullah Warns Israel He Won't Let Jordan Become "The Theater Of A...

King Abdullah Warns Israel He Won’t Let Jordan Become „The Theater Of A Regional War”

King Abdullah Warns Israel He Won’t Let Jordan Become „The Theater Of A Regional War”

The threat of a broader Middle East-wide war looms as Israel mulls retaliation for the massive weekend Iran drone and missile attack, but so far on Tuesday regional actors are strongly signaling they want to see a return to the status quo. 

Saudi Arabia has rejected reports that its military shot down some of the inbound drones and missiles launched from Iran Saturday night. „There is no official website that published a statement about Saudi participation in intercepting attacks against Israel,” Saudi government sources told Al Arabiya, after Israeli media claims circulated. 

Jordan too is seeking to present itself as a neutral power in the conflict, despite confirming over the weekend that it did shoot down some projectiles sent from Iran that flew into its airspace during the earlier attack. 

Jordanian Royal Palace/AFP

A statement from Jordan’s cabinet had further clarified: „Some shrapnel fell in multiple places during that time without causing any significant damage or any injuries to citizens.”

On Tuesday, Jordan’s King Abdullah II weighed in, saying he does not want to see his country become „the theater of a regional war” following the intercepts. 

„The king reinforced the nation’s commitment to upholding its security and sovereignty above all other considerations. He stressed Jordan’s aim was to safeguard its own sovereignty rather than defend Israel,” according to a regional outlet.

Still, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi had some strong words for Israel and the international community, saying external powers should stop Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from „stealing” attention away from Gaza as he mulls escalation with a retaliatory attack aimed at Tehran.

Even the Biden administration is strongly signaling to Israel that things must return to the status quo, even as threatening words continued to be issued between Tehran and Tel Aviv.

On the diplomatic front, each side is seeking to get the backing of the international community, as Al Jazeera writes:

Israel has launched a “diplomatic offensive” against Iran, calling for sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Tuesday that he has contacted 32 countries calling on them to impose sanctions against Tehran. The move comes as Israel mulls a military response to Iran’s attack on Israel.

But Iran has continually lambasted the United Nations Security Council for failing to stop the escalating conflict, given there was no formal condemnation of the initial April 1st Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Damascus.

China too is urging stability and that there be no further escalation…

China and Russia, however, have by and large stood by Iran’s side in supporting failed efforts at getting the UNSC to issue condemnation of the attack which flattened an Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital. Israel is vowing that Iran won’t get off 'scot-free’ but it’s still unknown what happens next as far as a potential Israeli 'limited’ strike on Iran or its proxies goes.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 04/16/2024 – 13:40



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